Do you remember the Reading Rainbow? If you’re old enough, you will remember LeVar Burton in the Reading Rainbow public service announcements during your morning cartoons. I don’t know about you, but I fell in love with reading in the fourth grade when my teacher read The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He then read Where the Red Fern Grows to us and let me tell you – I was hooked! 

My love of reading began at an early age and I developed a taste for fiction. In my later years I gained an appreciation for nonfiction books on topics like leadership. Now my bookshelves are filled with books on World War II, Ted Dekker’s thrillers, and various other books relating to all sorts of interests and hobbies.  There are just some things that I understand more when I read them. I know some people say they’re not good readers or they’re slow readers – and that’s OK. I don’t think the speed or your thoughts on how good you read should discourage you from picking up a book and diving in.  I think the more you read, the better you get at it just like with anything!

I’d encourage you to start reading more. Find something you are interested in, something you’ve always wanted to learn or know about, get recommendations from friends for good books, perhaps a mystery, history, or a sci-fi book. I like to read books that are in a series, that way I know that there is almost always a “next” book. Our book groups this summer here at C2 are designed for you – not only to read something, but to do it within the context of community. We want to have discussions, debates, and fellowship, which are crucial to the spiritual growth of any believer. Spiritual maturity comes best within the context of biblical community. It is in relationships that you develop and use both the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Biblical community also gives accountability which are all crucial to being the growth of any Christian. Without other people, none of these things are necessary or even possible. I hope you’ll dive into a book group this summer, build new friendships, and find greater community within the larger body of Christ here at C2.

I can’t wait to dive into a book together,
Pastor Jeremy Risner

Are you interested in joining a book group? Click here for more info!